
We wanted to do something a little different - create our own brief for an imaginary brewery that needs a label design for their newly-released premium stout. And of course, we looked to the Internet (O precious, precious Internet) for some parameters.

Here’s how it went.

 The Very Brief Brief
(not the wearable kind).



Randomly-generated, of course. And who on earth knows what ‘quixotic’ means?? Well, okay, some. But not us. Definitely not us. #researchneeded

As of now, we are about to create a stout label design that’s imaginary, strange, and quixotic. Hohoho, this is gonna be good!


Country of Origin.

Our clients had to have come from somewhere. As we had hoped, the glorious internet has shone its infallible wisdom upon our need and given us ‘THE GAMBIA’. Alright, so we are creating a stout label that’s imaginary, strange, and quixotic, for a brewery in The Gambia.

And we thought the brief couldn’t get any stranger.

We couldn’t be more wrong.


Product Name.

Once again the Internet has been gracious enough to reach down into our tunnel of confusion and has given us clarity.

And so we have our product name - ‘JESUS STONE WOLF FIRE’. Admittedly, this was a band name generator and we got to pick a genre (naturally, we picked Metal). How could we ignore this option? It was easily the best of the lot. Polarising, edgy, unusual, and does not involve gore (because that might have made for a nauseating design experience).

We are about to create a stout label design that’s imaginary, strange, and quixotic for a brewery in The Gambia called ‘Jesus Stone Wolf Fire’. We’re all set. Let’s do this!


Art & Design Process.

As you might have guessed, this was quite the adventure. And this certainly wouldn’t be our last.

This video includes actual screen-recorded footage of the illustration and design process to give you what billy loves giving our followers - multiple eyegasms.



The Final Design

What could be more imaginary, strange, or quixotic than a floating legless Jesus (reminiscent of His aqua-striding ability) interacting with a wolf, amidst flames, in a ‘fusion’ style of traditional Japanese art? Not much, we can tell you that.

We hope you enjoyed this adventure as much as we did. (Can we just point out that we love the colour of these bottle caps? -SQUEALS!-)

Let us know what you think (please, be brutally honest) via our socials @billythefriend.

If you (or someone you know) would like some kickass illustrations or designs, hit us up:

Either way, follow us on Instagram, Behance, LinkedIn, and Facebook.
NOW. -sweet non-pretentious smile-