
publications hanging artistically from a wall beside a beautiful verdant space with chairs and a table, signifying graphic design and layout, which are some of billy the friend’s available creative services

Graphic Design & Layout.

For the ones who need someone to design their annual reports, magazines, social media posts, and anything else that needs to be easy on the eyes.

How should I even start? What is considered aesthetically pleasing? Does this align with the direction of my content?

billy’s good at that kinda stuff.



For the ones who want an illustration for anything from an invitation card, tattoo, home decor, bestselling novel cover, or art for their upcoming album.

What elements should be featured? Pen, pencil, or brush? Stylised or realistic?

billy’s good at that kinda stuff.


Writing, Editing, & Proofreading.

For the ones bursting with ideas but find it difficult to organise them into a coherent structure, implement a smooth and meaningful flow, or highlight what’s most important. Or those who have good stuff written, but need extra pairs of eyes to look out for errors, or simply make it better than you thought was possible.

How long should this caption or blurb be? What tone of voice should I use? How do I know this write-up is good enough?

billy’s good at that kinda stuff.

a cup of coffee with the word ‘begin’ printed on it, signifying a time of brave and creative consultation and strategy or strategising, which are some of billy the friend’s available services

Creative Direction & Consultation.

For the ones with fantastic business ideas, creative projects, products, or services to share with the world, but aren’t sure how to go about sustaining or marketing it. 

What are my first steps? What must I keep in mind? How to practically make it ‘come alive’?

billy’s good at that kinda stuff.